ROLAND 900 for two of Italy’s leading packaging printers

Twin sale boost for Manroland Italia

2014 began auspiciously for Manroland Italia, with two of the country’s leading packaging printers ordering a ROLAND 906LV at almost the same time.

Cartotecnica Lampo S.p.A. and Arti Grafiche Turini S.p.A. both chose the same reliable model from Manroland Sheetfed.

Cartotecnica Lampo S.p.A.

With more competitors entering the market, Cartotecnica Lampo S.p.A, a renowned packaging printer specializing in all kinds of packaging boxes, added a ROLAND 906 press to its existing ROLAND 705LV and ROLAND 707 LTTLV in order to further reduce its production and lead times while increasing the quality of its products.

For more than half a century, Cartotecnica Lampo’s consistent adoption of new technology has enable it to meet continuously changing demands and take a leading position in the industrial packaging market.

Arti Grafiche Turini S.p.A

Founded in 1958 by the Turini brothers, Arti Grafiche S.p.A has seen rapid growth over five decades and is now one of Italy’s most prestigious printers, with two production plants covering a combined area of 50,000 square metres. It provides its customers with a wide range of products including boxes with linear joints, paper inserts, 4 and 6 cornered boxes, clusters and treated labels.

Increasing demand for shorter production and lead times drove the decision to add a third ROLAND 906LV to its plant.