Successful Open house at Tipografia Luce, Osimo, Italy

Tipografia Luce and Manroland Italia srl welcomed printers and decision makers during an open house this summer, at the Tipografia Luce facility in Osimo.

Both Tipografia Luce and Manroland Italia srl used the opportunity to present the latest achievements in printing applications as well as advanced ROLAND press technology.

Different printing samples were printed using UV-LED inks and coatings with polymerization with UV-LED lamps.

This innovative process produces high quality print using natural papers, ready for the post-press department without delay. Also it allows printing of low-thickness plastic or laminated materials without deformation and ennobles printing with the drip-off technique in just one pass.

During the production all the functions were used, available with DirectDrive technology; simultaneous plate change; image length correction +/- 0.1 mm directly from the console; printing start correction of up to 99 mm; blanket and pressure cylinders wash-up during the plate change and simultaneous blanket/ pressure / inking cylinders wash-up.

With such a successful event, Massimiliano Veronesi, Managing Director, Manroland Italia thanked Mr. Luca Novelli and his team for a such successful event and has promised more technological advances by Manroland Sheetfed in the near future.

Tipografia Luce and Manroland Italia presented the latest achievements in printing applications and the advances in technology

About Manroland Sheetfed

Manroland Sheetfed GmbH is a leading German producer of sheetfed offset litho printing presses. Founded in 1871, the company is one of the oldest producers of printing presses in the world. Today the company has its own subsidiaries in over 40 countries and is a global watchword for supreme quality and reliability. Manroland Sheetfed GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of the privately owned UK engineering group, Langley Holdings plc.