Our best presses ever, for a lot less than you might think.
You probably already know that Manroland build high quality, supremely reliable, sheetfed presses.
You probably also know that our presses are packed full of leading edge technology.
And you probably know that Manroland after-sales support, via our network of over 40 own subsidiaries worldwide, is second to none.
But did you know that the cost of investment in Manroland sheetfed technology is now a lot less than you might think?
Here's why...
Our reputation for quality, reliability, technology and after-sales support, is well known.
In the past this came at a price. Manroland presses were always known as a premium product at a premium price.
But take a closer look at Manroland Sheetfed today and you will see that our business has been transformed:
Today we are leaner, more efficient and more responsive than at any time in our near 150 year history.
Today we are not burdened with disproportionate overhead costs, or with crippling debt and the “fat cats”, with their lavish spending habits, are all gone.
Today, like you, we spend carefully and we invest wisely.
Yet still we produce some of the highest quality, most technologically advanced sheetfed presses available in the world today, only now from a much reduced cost base.
If you haven’t looked at Manroland Sheetfed recently, you could be pleasantly surprised by just how much more press we offer, for less.
So why not contact Manroland Sheetfed today and find out.