3B & 3B PLUS Format Sheetfed Litho Press

La ROLAND 700 EVOLUTION Elite, primée pour son look élégant et futuriste, est dotée de nombreuses nouvelles caractéristiques technologiques qui offrent aux imprimeurs des niveaux d'efficacité, de productivité et de qualité sans précédent. Largement reconnue comme le modèle phare de la famille Evolution, la ROLAND 700 Evolution Elite est le pur-sang des presses 3B et 3B Plus pour l'emballage et les applications commerciales.
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ROLAND 700 Evolution | 3.05 MB | Download |
Qu'il s'agisse de la technologie de l'unité d'encrage, qui fait référence dans le monde entier, ou des avancées écologiques grâce à la technologie innovante de l'entraînement et des roulements, l'Elite dépasse de loin toutes les autres presses de 18.000 feuilles/heure. InlineColorPilot 3.0, InlineInspector 3.0, le nouveau PressPilot, IntegrationPilot plus, les systèmes de changement de plaques et Autoprint ne sont que quelques-unes de ses caractéristiques. Un nouveau système de retournement à un seul tambour, peu encombrant et pouvant atteindre une vitesse de 16.000 feuilles/heure, est disponible en option.
Fonctionalités et Avantages |
Interface utilisateur ergonomique avec écrans tactiles |
Technologie Direct Drive |
Rendement total à 18.000 feuilles/heure |
Unités d'alimentation, de distribution et de mouillage spécialement conçues pour la production à grande vitesse |
Parmi les caractéristiques uniques, citons le système d'encrage TripleFlow, la compensation intelligente de la vitesse des unités d'encrage et de mouillage, les solutions anti-ghosting efficaces |
Format de feuille 3B Plus 780 x 1.050 mm en option pour un maximum d'images multiples |

Thanks to Manroland’s Simultaneous automation, core make-ready steps such as plate ex-change, blanket, and impression cylinder wash-up are simultaneous. The make-ready function in AutoPrint realizes production changeover in under 4 minutes.
Manroland’s DirectDrive principle further automates all press processes delivering a staggering reduction of up to 60% in make-ready time, including the exclusive ability to change print length, on-the-fly making the ROLAND 700 Evolution the ideal choice in the 70/100 format for short production runs.

Outstanding print quality has been a notable feature of the ROLAND 700 series since its conception. Even after several hundred million impressions, users are still; continually impressed at the superb finishes achieved. Today, this has not changed; the new-generation ROLAND 700 Evolution surpasses all other brands.
The TripleFlow inker delivers more control than any other comparable technology on the market. With three different ink distributions at the push of a button, it offers high color consistency during the whole print run and drastic savings in waste.
InlineInspector 3.0 as printing speeds increase, the challenge of keeping print quality sheet by sheet at constant high-level increases too. The InlineInspector detects even the smallest hickeys, splashes, scratches, creases, streaks, scumming, or smearing just as reliably as it detects color deviations or substrate defects.
InlineColorPilot 3.0 measures and controls register and color automatically without the need to draw a sheet from the delivery. This saves time and wasted sheets, improves color stability, and offers complete documentation of the stable production run.

Enter the Manroland world of compelling inline effects achieved with OnePass technology. Arouse emotions with convincing effects and coatings that bring your work to life. The ROLAND press offers end to end solutions and consistently superior quality. InlineCoating, InlineImpress, and our InlineFoiler.
Whether it is the substitution of metalized substrates or merely the extra shine on the sheet, design possibilities are vast, near-limitless, and leave nothing unimaginable.

When you invest in what many consider to be the world’s finest press, Manroland is here to en-sure that your investment yields the highest possible returns, year after year.
Our all-inclusive ProServ 360° Performance two-year program delivers maximum return on our customers’ investment to ensure your press runs to optimum efficiency and maximum up-time.
With 24/7 remote service, regular inspections and maintenance, performance analysis, direct access to our experts in Germany, and genuine factory spare parts optimized as only we know-how, our services are second to none.

With manufacturing tolerances up to 30 times more precise than a human hair, your ROLAND press is built with the precision comparable to a Swiss watch. That’s why the build and print quality of ROLAND presses are widely recognized as the benchmark.
From multiple short print runs per day to high volume folding carton print jobs, these are just some of the heavy demands placed on a printing press.
In a rapidly changing and competitive market that demands the highest print quality, speed, and reduced lead times, the ROLAND Evolution combines the unbeatable excellence of offset printing with lower production costs.
Technical Specification

ROLAND 700 Evolution R708 LTTLV Inline Foiler
Sheets Per Hour
16,000 or 18,000In perfecting mode
3B Format
Sheet format
750 x 1050 mmPrint format
715 x 1030 mmPlate format:
785 x 1040 mm
Stock thickness
(widest range in the market)
0.04 - 1.0 mm
3B plus Format
Sheet format
780 x 1050 mmPrint format
770 x 1040 mmPlate format
850 x 1050 mm
334mm or 667mm