Recent News
5 JAN. 2016
Sharp tools make good work
5 JAN. 2016
Technological makeover starts with ROLAND 700
4 JAN. 2016
Has there ever been a better time to invest in the world's most technologically advanced press? We don't think so. Here's why.
15 DEC. 2015
Consistency and stability put Manroland Sheetfed on course for 4th profitable year in a row
10 DEC. 2015
Grafiche Badiali celebrates 80 year anniversary with new ROLAND 700 EVOLUTION
19 NOV. 2015
Second Evolution for Benelux publisher
17 NOV. 2015
6 NOV. 2015
ROLAND 700 Evolution één jaar later …
21 OKT. 2015
K+D Switzerland invest in evolution
15 OKT. 2015
Top performance of LED UV technology proven on ROLAND 700 HiPrint
4 OKT. 2015
Experience the magic of Evolution in just three minutes
29 SEP. 2015