Recent News

20 DEC. 2013

First ROLAND 500 for Golden Chip

19 DEC. 2013

ROLAND 900 XXL enables printers to think BIG and corner new markets

18 DEC. 2013

New ROLAND 706 with ColorPilot has the edge

17 DEC. 2013

Royal Sens for three more ROLAND 700's

16 DEC. 2013

New MD Appointment at Manroland China

5 DEC. 2013

Konradin investiert im Bogenoffset in Direct Drive Technologie von manroland

3 DEC. 2013

Tradition und Zukunft geben sich gleichberechtigt die Hand

28 NOV. 2013

European press gets inside track on Manroland Sheetfed

18 NOV. 2013


12 NOV. 2013


27 OKT. 2013

Manroland Sheetfed completes merger formalities…

20 OKT. 2013

Siemer Cardboard choose Manroland again